Monday, January 31, 2011

Menpachi and ulua fishing at keei ei

First my day started off by waking up late in the day around 11 so I could stay up late at night to fish. I then get all my fishing gear ready including my menpachi pole, ulua pole, ulua reel, and menpachi reel. I also had to get my ulua pole to hold it into the ground, the pole rope, and slide lures. Also I had to get my menpachi litter line, and my lures. After everything got loaded into the truck, I had to call call kyle to make sure he had everything ready to go. Around 1:30 me and my grandpa left our house to kyles house to pick him up. After we got him, and loaded his stuff we headed on our way to Napoo’poo road which takes us down to keei ei beach. When we reached the beach, we unloaded jus our fishing gear and got our poles set um and started to head down to our fishing spot about 2 miles down the coast. After a really long hike carrying the cooler backpack and my pole, we reached the spot and waited for the sun to start setting. Around 6 we started to fish alone the coast. The water was rough so conditions weren’t perfect for menpachi meaning we wont get as much bites as if it was a calm night. We fished til about 11 then figured out that most of the fish weren’t biting so with about 6 fish in our cooler we headed back to camp. After bout a 30 min walk, we reached our truck and started to break down our menpachi poles, got everything loaded up in the truck and drove about 200 yards down the road to an ulua point. Once we got there, I jumped out and set um my ulua pole in about 5 minutes, got the litter lines on and my lead weight. Kyle, my grandpa and I walked out to the point, my grandpa pounded in the pin for the rod and I casted out my pole. My lead weight didn’t go far as I had to thumb it the whole time to keep it from back lashing. After I had my lead stuck in the reef, I broke my litter line making the stopper for the sliding bait higher off the ground so I will get less eel bites. When I get my pole set um and in its holder and tied down, we let kyle throw his pole out and get his tied up we head to bed. The whole night we would hear the bell ring slowly because of the rough water shaking the line making the pole shake. We went to sleep about 3 in the morning and woke up about 6 in the morning. When we woke up we walked to the point and reeled in my line, not even one nibble in my bait so we broke everything down and headed home. When we got home, we unloaded and washed everything off and went to sleep.

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